I had a meeting with Claire over the weekend regarding the layout and graphics of The Gypsy Afflictions website. I showed her the powerpoint layout I had created for her which included the content that I want on her page (Media Room, Video Blogs, Pictures etc.) She absolutely loved it and was blown away by the media room concept.
I think its an extreme disadvantage if artists don't have a media room on their website. In Applied Marketing we were told that a media room should include the artists one sheet, high resolution pictures, a release, a show calendar and sound clips. I think a lot of us were confused because that pretty much sounds like a website, but what I realized after doing some research and reviewing the lecture, is that it is important to have links to these things on the media room page because this is where the press, radio, TV etc. will go to find out the info they need about your band.
Time is precious and if the media has to look and wait for all types of pages to find what they need they are going to walk away and you will lose the press.
Thank you to my teacher Kimo Williams, for drilling the importance of this specific part of our web pages through our heads.
What are your thoughts on the media room? Is it as important as I think it is??
I agree that it is very important. People these days (well, in certain parts of the country at least) have absolutely no patience or time. By having the media room available to people from the press, they have everything they want right at their fingertips. If they had to navigate a large website or even e-mail the artist for something, they most certainly would move on in a blink of an eye because there are plenty of other things that can be written about.